Ricci, DavideReyes Ruiz, MauricioBrown Sevilla, Samantha Beatriz2020-11-252023-01-132020-11-252023-01-132015-08https://ecosistema.buap.mx/ecoBUAP/handle/ecobuap/3460“We present a study of the exoplanetary systems KELT-1 and WASP- 33, observed with the San Pedro Mártir 84cm telescope, using the transit method. We carried out image correction and data reduction of both systems by modifying and using the aperture photometry software defot, a point-and- click IDL tool. Moreover, we performed several tests changing the values of several data reduction parameters in order to check the robustness of the software. We noticed that small variations in the values of these parameters do not affect the light curves significantly. We report light curves of KELT-1 in the R and V filters, and light curves ofWASP-33 in the U filter. Concerning KELT-1, we performed the light curve fitting using the Transit Analysis Package (TAP), an IDL software that allows to choose fit parameters setting limits and initial values. We also performed many fits using curves of different filters and paying particular attention to curves presenting a residual trend after the airmass correction. In our fits we obtained results consistent with the reported values, as well as values for the planet/star radius ratio Rp/R* for KELT-1b in the R and V filters, which have not been reported before.”pdfengCIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRAFotomotríaPlanetas extrasolaresInterfaces con el usuario (Sistemas para computadora)Study of exoplanetary transits of KELT-1b and WASP-33b observed with the San Pedro Mártir 84 cm telescopeTesis de licenciaturaopenAccessPlanetas--Observaciones