6. Evaluation
Think of a time (at school, university or work) when you had to do some training or an activity and you had to follow rules.
Make notes about the following questions. You can add more information if you want to.
What was the situation?
Who made the rules?
Were some of the rules very strict? why?
Were there some rules you dind't follow? why?
How did you feel about the experience?
Present your ideas in class or use a Flipgrid video to share your experiences.

Are you confident enough to use the modals presented in this lesson?
I hope you are, but if you are not you can visit the following pages to learn a bit more:
1. Cervantes, M., 2022. Modal Verbs Review. [online] Avi.cuaed.unam.mx. Available at: <https://avi.cuaed.unam.mx/repositorio/moodle/pluginfile.php/12302/mod_resource/content/9/contenido/index.html> [Accessed 6 July 2022].
2. BBC LEarning English. (Jul 6, 2019). 'Have To' and 'must' - 6 Minute Grammar [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUXXgVElADg
3. BBC Learning English. 2022. BBC Learning English - Course: lower intermediate / Unit 5 / Grammar Reference. [online] Available at: <https://www.bbc.com/learningenglish/english/course/lower-intermediate/unit-5/tab/grammar> [Accessed 6 July 2022].
Source: Own creation at https://www.bitmoji.com/
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