Spinors in four-dimensional spaces

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  • Without using the customary Clifford algebras frequently studied in connection with the representations of orthogonal groups, this book gives an elementary introduction to the two-component spinor formalism for four-dimensional spaces with any signature. Some of the useful applications of four-dimensional spinors, such as Yang–Mills theory, are derived in detail using illustrative examples. Spinors in Four-Dimensional Spaces is aimed at graduate students and researchers in mathematical and theoretical physics interested in the applications of the two-component spinor formalism in any four-dimensional vector space or Riemannian manifold with a definite or indefinite metric tensor. This systematic and self-contained book is suitable as a seminar text, a reference book, and a self-study guide.

fecha de publicación

  • julio 23, 2010

Número Estándar Internacional de Libros (ISBN) 10

  • 0817649832

Número Estándar Internacional de Libros (ISBN) 13

  • 978-0817649838

Número de páginas

  • 177 páginas


  • Vol. 59