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Passive voice

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The passive voice

The passive voice is used when we are interested in the person or the object that receives an action; then, the passive voice focuses on the object rather than the subject. In other words, who does something is less important than what was done to something.

Active voice (Emphasis on the subject)
Passive voice (Emphasis on the object) Verb tense
Volkswagen makes cars in Mexico. Volkswagen cars are made in Mexico. Present simple
Oscar Wilde wrote The Picture of Dorian Gray in 1890. The Picture of Dorian Gray was written by Oscar Wilde in 1890. Past simple
The factory has produced over 20 models in the past two years. Over 20 models have been produced in the past two years. Present perfect
The office will deliver the package tomorrow. The package will be delivered tomorrow. Future


Ulrich et al. (1991) claimed that Pleasant feelings are increased by looking at scenes of nature.

Stress hormones are significantly lowered by spending just 20 minutes a day in nature.

Feelings of empathy, love, and belonging are fostered by being in nature (Groov, 2022).


Earth Day was first observed on April 22, 1970, 

We were locked down for several weeks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Feelings of my life being diminished by the COVID-19 were reduced by looking after my garden.

Present perfect

Global warming has been caused, mainly, by human activity.

My life has been changed by the appreciation of nature.

Living in urban areas has been considered a source of stress.

Icono play Watch the video The Passive Voice.

Exercises Complete the exercises: Test-English    Passive mix types (1)    BY WHOM?

Fill in the blanks.

Complete the sentences with the correct passive voice tense: present, past, or present perfect.

  1. Recently, new evidence (find) in favor of nature contact.
  2. High blood pressure (cause) by anxiety.
  3. The participants (tell) that the experiment was over.
  4. Contact with natural environments (such as parks, woodlands and beaches)   (associate) with better health and well-being,
  5. A simple plant   (find) to have a significant impact on stress and anxiety.
  6. We genetically (design) to find trees, plants, water, and other nature elements fascinating.
  7. Before and after the walk, the participants (assess) on their emotional state and on cognitive measures.
  8. Nature deprivation   (associate) with depression.
  9. In a 2011 study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, time in front of a screen (associate) with a higher risk of death.
  10. In a recent experiment conducted in Japan, participant (assign) to walk in a forest.

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