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Vocabulary Complete the article How Nature Can Make You Kinder, Happier, and More Creative using the words below: 

peaceful, blood, significantly, stress, spending, forest, measures, healthy, urban, anxiety.

How Nature Can Make You Kinder, Happier, and More Creative

We are more time indoors and online. But recent studies suggest that nature can help our brains and bodies to stay .

I’ve been an avid hiker my whole life. From the time I first strapped on a backpack and headed into the Sierra Nevada Mountains, I was hooked on the experience, loving the way being in nature cleared my mind and helped me to feel more grounded and .


Being in Nature Decreases Stress
It’s clear that hiking—and any physical activity—can reduce and . But, there’s something about being in nature that may augment those impacts.

In one recent experiment conducted in Japan, participants were assigned to walk either in a or in an urban center (taking walks of equal length and difficulty) while having their heart rate variability, heart rate, and pressure measured. The participants also filled out questionnaires about their moods, stress levels, and other psychological .

Results showed that those who walked in forests had significantly lower heart rates and higher heart rate variability (indicating more relaxation and less stress), and reported better moods and less anxiety, than those who walked in settings. The researchers concluded that there’s something about being in nature that had a beneficial effect on stress reduction, above and beyond what exercise alone might have produced.

In another study, researchers in Finland found that urban dwellers who strolled for as little as 20 minutes through an urban park or woodland reported more stress relief than those who strolled in a city center.

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