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Fill in the blanks.

Audio Listen to the podcast Mind and Body Benefit from Two Hours in Nature Each Week. Fill the gaps with the correct word.     

  1. By now it's almost knowledge that spending time in nature is good for you.
  2. Spending time outdoors has been linked with reduced and stress .
  3. "We get this , patients are coming to us and they're saying, 'doctor, how long should I spend?' and the doctor is saying, 'I don't really know.'"
  4. White and his team decided to find out by using collected from nearly 20,000 people in England .
  5. Remarkably, the researchers found that less than two hours offered no benefits.
  6. Even people with long-term or disabilities benefited from time spent in nature.
  7. Although findings on a tremendous number of people, White cautions that it’s really just a correlation.
  8. Nobody knows why or how nature has this .
  9. "We're not everybody has to do 120" [minutes].  
  10. "But it's certainly a starting ."

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Audio Listen to the podcast Mind and Body Benefit from Two Hours in Nature Each Week again. Decide if the statements are True or False.     

Pregunta 1

1. Areas with more trees tend to be more polluted.

Pregunta 2

2. Spending time indoors has been linked with reduced blood pressure and stress.

Pregunta 3

3. There's research showing that spending time in nature is good.

Pregunta 4

4. Mathew P. White and his team interviewed nearly 20,000 people in England for their research.

Pregunta 5

5. And their answer? Three hours a week.

Pregunta 6

6. The researchers found that less than two hours offered no significant benefits. 

Pregunta 7

7. People with long-term illnesses or disabilities benefited from time spent in nature. 

Pregunta 8

8. White is not sure that his findings will resist  a more rigorous investigation.